SVN Manager

Browser-based SVN server manager for Windows

What it is

SVN Manager is a Windows Service licensed under the MIT license that allows you to create some automated tasks as well as open up a REST API endpoint (using NancyFx) for creating users and repositories.

It will also facilitate automated backups and (currently) upload those to Amazon S3. Over time this will be made more modular so other providers can be used.

What it isn't

This service will not provide a web interface for browsing SVN (at least for now - this may be added later). It will let you see a list of existing repositories and allow you to create new ones.

Download the SVN Manager

The SVN server manager is available for download using the button below. Check the GitHub wiki for instructions on getting it set up. Don't hesitate to file an issue if you have questions or problems.

Download SVN For Windows

Download subversion for Windows, including the Apache modules. Click the button to go to the download page where you can choose your version.

Get Involved

Visit GitHub to contribute to SVN Manager. Help test or fork and make changes.